In This Way: Overcoming Obstacles

"So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her." ~ Gen 29:20


  • Jacob overcame obstacles by keeping the main thing, the main thing: Rachel
  • Rachel was the tipping point.  Because of her, Jacob:
    • upended local traditions by watering the sheep (29:10)
    • wept aloud after kissing her (29:11)
    • used his labor as a bride price (29:18)
    • endured his father-in-law's trickery (29:22-29a)
    • already had ten children but waited to leave Laban until Rachel conceived
  • Love sustained Jacob in difficulty
  • My marriage is more important than anything else.  
  • I want her just as excited holding my hand when we finish an assignment as she was when we started.
  • My love for her is trumped only by my love for God
  • Keeping the main thing the main thing affects everything else
  • In marriages, there are tipping points
  • Remembering "why" gets me through whatever may come
Prayer: As Jacob kept his eye on Rachel, with so many people swirling, help me to keep my eye on my wife and family with so many other things swirling.


  1. A man who findeth a wife findeth a good thing. Proverbs 18:22


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