Journaling through Psalm 127

Written 23Jul08 @ 06:48

 I am doing a lectio divina reading of Psalm 127. 

By taking my time, reading repeatedly and listening to what the text has to say, I am able to find something different with each approach to the text.  My readings have been critical to my balance and peace of mind.  The new office hours are tougher to negotiate than I thought because of email.  I get church [Second Baptist Church of Detroit] stuff in a clinical [Brightmoor-Pickens Medical Centers] chair and clinic stuff downtown.  The advantage has been a ministry of presence in both camps.

I am still reading the Great Depression by Robert McElvaine and learning much about what drives the country's system of wealth and power.  Reading about the 1930's is like reading the daily newspaper this month: bank failures, critical presidential elections, bank runs, industry-influenced legislation, insider trading, an important interregnum.  

The book is a reminder of the importance of living below our means.


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