Rankin and Reaching Out: A Tap on the Shoulder


 I used to sit in places like Rankin Memorial Chapel at Howard University and suppose what would happen if the preacher for the day didn't show.  After a frantic moment or two, I was sure that the Dean would point to me - one of his assistants - and ask to hear a Word from the Lord.

As it turned out, the preachers always showed.  The Dean never pointed to me and although there was a Word, I never delivered the message to the congregation; but I still supposed.

It was probably that supposing space that attracted me to the Reaching Out Ministry at Second Baptist Church of Detroit.  Reaching Out is a Tuesday gathering of primarily homeless members of the Detroit Community.  A group of volunteers prepare balanced meals around which those with or without shelter are welcome to gather.  The format also allows a Bible study or devotional period following the meal.

During the 2006 startup of the ministry, my participation - as at Rankin - stemmed from being an assistant to the Pastor.  As at Rankin, I was fully engaged in ministry as a thankful response to the gift of eternal life.  However, unlike Rankin, the teacher / preacher didn't show from time to time.  Unlike Rankin, frantic moments did lead to taps on my shoulder to inquire of a Word from the Lord.  Unlike Rankin, at Second I have been able to tell an old, old story.


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