Lectio Divina: Psalm 127:2

 Silence: When else may I be quiet?

Meditation: To everything there is a season.

Prayer: Please allow what happened in Your Word to happen in me.

Lectio: It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to His loved ones. ~ Ps 127:2

Contemplation: An adjective modifies a noun.

Oration: Early and late modify morning and night.  Giving the whole day to the grind is where the vanity enters.  Unreserved early morning striving is useless.  Working myself into the pillow isn't necessary, is it?  

Rather I should seek God early in the morning and late at night.  The rest God gives in fellowship does more for me than any toil during that same time ever could.  

To everything there is a season.  Early morning is a season of reflection in the Lord; a season of rest.  Late night is a season of trusting God and allowing striving to cease: the Sabbath time of day.  Peter Scazzero says we avoid Sabbath because we distrust God to run the world while we are away.

Incarnation: I trust you God this early morning.  In You I find rest before the work.


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