In This Way: Knowing When To Get Out

8And behold, I will place cords upon you, so that you cannot turn from one side to the other, till you have completed the days of your siege. ~


  • Ezekiel's assignment had an end date
  • 390 days and 40 days are chronological measures
  • How did the Lord place cords on Ezekiel?
  • Symbolism required Ezekiel's discomfort
  • Christian graduates high school in 2025
  • I need to be finished with assigned writing projects
  • An empty nest will have assignments
  • Catching up on writing required of me will be an impossibility
  • I have cords of direct parenting placed on me for a season.
  • My current assignment will come to an end
Prayer: Thank You for using Ezekiel's life to teach me Your ways.


  1. I'm not sure it's a good idea to make it a goal to be done with your writing assignments by the time Christian graduates from high school since I imagine the Lord will place many books in your head and heart until it's time to see the Lord in glory.

    1. Yes, agreed. I hope to get more content out of my head and heart and into my hands (keystrokes) for others to read. Blessed by the idea of being able to write until my dying day.


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