Lectio Divina: 08May10

Silence: There is so much to be heard in silence.

Meditation: A candle works in silence 'til death.

Prayer: Thank You for speaking through Your Word.

Lectio: He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gate. ~ Ps 127:5(b)

Contemplation: Not if but when...

Oration: The confrontation is coming.  The city gates represent public life; the marketplace or courtroom.  It is in these areas the trouble comes.  Children are like sharp arrows in a warrior's hand.  Direct Hit describes church transformation as war.  Using TS's language, children are cliques.  How many children God gives determine how you'll fare in church transformation.

We don't always like to accept the gifts of God.  Rest requires I give something up.  Children rarely come without demands. They're sticky, a little clumsy, don't always listen, talk without listening and can be mean.  They're also sweet, helpful, cute, a comfort, thinkers and God's mouthpieces.

I've been given Know Hill as a gift from the Lord.  The children keeping me from shame in the gate live here.

Incarnation: Create a database for Knob Hill neighbors we're meeting. 


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