In This Way: Steadily Plodding

10And your food that you eat shall be by weight, twenty shekelsc a day; from day to dayd you shall eat it. 11And water you shall drink by measure, the sixth part of a hin;e from day to day you shall drink.   ~ Ez 4:10-11


  • Ezekiel was on rations
  • He ate by weight, not preference
  • His water was measured, not a matter of thirst
  • 20 shekels / day x 390 days = 7800 shekels 
  • 7800 shekels = 225 lbs
  • Set amounts and times were about obedience not enjoyment
  • 1/2 pound of food each day at set times
  • Obedience, not preference, sustained him for 390 days
  • In this way, Ezekiel endured a divine assignment
  • Text never says how he amassed wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt
  • Nevertheless he had it ready upon demand
  • Ezekiel had resources to complete assignment
  • He prophesied from exile
  • When fasting, I need to be on rations
  • If I'm on assignment, preparation of materials is important
    • duty bag for ride alongs
    • tool bag for landlord visits
    • cash and a smile for time with family
  • I need to be in prayer and to keep count
  • "The Lord will make a way somehow" is a song worth singing
  • Gathering resources in adversity is part of my deal
  • Figure it out
  • No one cares what your excuses are
  • Have resources ready upon heavenly demands
  • Discern between heaven's demands and people's
  • Obedience, not preference, is the way through difficulty
    • remember my "why" question
    • begin with the end in mind (God gave an end point to Ez / gives end to me)
  • Write 3 hours per day at set times
  • I might not always be inspired 
    • obedience doesn't take inspiration
    • do it anyway
      • get the classics in fingertips by rewriting what greats have written
      • type 5 pages of respected author to get the feel of writing well
      • when blocked, type another writer's content until unblocked
      • Ezekiel had a wife and so do I...enjoy her while I can (Ez 24:15-27)
Prayer: You are Who You say You are


  1. I was convicted by this stream of thought. We as citizens of this country act entitled to eat what we want when it's not like that in many parts of the world. Since I'm not currently on rations minimally I should be able to make healthy choices each time I reach for something to eat or drink.

    1. If you're convicted, it's by the Word in the stream of thought. May Ezekiel's life strengthen your walk.


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